SENF2300by Sentry Safe Waterproof Insulated Fire Chest, .36 Ft3, 15-1/4 x 14-7/8 x 7-1/2, Charcoal Gray Click image to close Waterproof Insulated Fire Chest, .36 Ft3, 15-1/4 x 14-7/8 x 7-1/2, Charcoal Gray | 
| Sentry Safe F2300 SENF2300[ companion items ]
List Price: $108.00 This item has been discontinued | Short Description Waterproof Insulated Fire Chest, .36 Ft3, 15-1/4 x 14-7/8 x 7-1/2, Charcoal Gray, by Sentry Safe |
Description Sentry Safe F2300 Water damage to your documents & electronic storage devices can be both costly & time-consuming. Simply store these items in this 0.40 cu. ft., charcoal gray, waterproof advanced security chest to prevent water damage. A continuous 360° jamb & waterproof seal completely insulates the interior from the threat of water invasion. A full-time spring latch seals the unit – even when it is unlocked. Use the convenient carrying grips for quick & easy transportation. Outer Width: 15 1/4"; Outer Depth: 14 7/8"; Outer Height: 7 1/2"; Capacity (text): 0.36 cu. ft. Product Details
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