SEL37714by Jiffy Jiffy TuffGard Self-Seal Cushioned Mailer, #5, Barrier Bubble Air Cell Cushion, Self-Adhesive Closure, 10.5 x 16, White, 25 / CT Click image to close Jiffy TuffGard Self-Seal Cushioned Mailer, #5, Barrier Bubble Air Cell Cushion, Self-Adhesive Closure, 10.5 x 16, White, 25 / CT | 
| Jiffy 37714 SEL37714[ companion items ]
List Price: $249.68 You save $183.88. That's over 73%. | Short Description Jiffy TuffGard Self-Seal Cushioned Mailer, #5, Barrier Bubble Air Cell Cushion, Self-Adhesive Closure, 10.5 x 16, White, 25 / CT, by Jiffy |
This item ships FREE and usually arrives in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description Jiffy 37714 Barrier Bubble lining retains air better than alternative cushioning materials. Polypropylene exterior is moisture-, puncture- & rip-resistant. Co-extruded seams are heat-sealed & burst-proof. Self-seal closure features a tamper indicator. Seam Type: Side; Flap Type: Square; Trade Size: #5; Security Tinted: No. Product Details
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