RCP342488PMby Rubbermaid Three-Shelf Service Cart, Plastic, 3 Shelves, 200 lb Capacity, 18.63" x 33.63" x 37.75", Platinum Click image to close Three-Shelf Service Cart, Plastic, 3 Shelves, 200 lb Capacity, 18.63" x 33.63" x 37.75", Platinum | 
| Rubbermaid 342488PM RCP342488PM[ companion items ]
List Price: $535.86 You save $178.01. That's over 33%. | Short Description Three-Shelf Service Cart, Plastic, 3 Shelves, 200 lb Capacity, 18.63" x 33.63" x 37.75", Platinum, by Rubbermaid |
This item ships FREE and usually arrives in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description Rubbermaid 342488PM Versatile; for audio / video, filing, food service. Shelves feature 1/4" lip on three sides & one flat side for easy loading. Brushed aluminum uprights, dual molded handles. Material(s): Brushed Aluminum; Plastic; Overall Material Type: Plastic; Color(s): Platinum; Color Family: Gray. Product Details
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