RAC74297CTby Mop & Glo Ready to Use Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner, Fresh Citrus Scent, 64 oz Bottle, 6 / Carton Click image to close Ready to Use Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner, Fresh Citrus Scent, 64 oz Bottle, 6 / Carton | 
| Mop & Glo 74297CT RAC74297CT[ companion items ]
List Price: $149.11 You save $33.88. That's over 22%. | Short Description Ready to Use Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner, Fresh Citrus Scent, 64 oz Bottle, 6 / Carton, by Mop & Glo |
This item ships FREE and usually arrives in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description Mop & Glo 74297CT Clean dirt & residue & deliver a long-lasting shine in high-traffic spaces with Professional MOP & GLO Triple Action Floor Shine Cleaner. Clean, shine, & keep commercial floors cleaner longer with the SHINE LOCK Formula. Optimize cleaning efficiency with a floor cleaner that crews can apply directly & mop up, leaving behind a citrus scent. Ideal for hardwood, tile, laminate, & no-wax floors. Value Pack-Stock up & save! Application: Floor Cleaner; Applicable Material: Linoleum; Marble; No-Wax Floors; Sealed Ceramic; Sealed Hardwood; Tile; Vinyl; Chemical Compound: Isopropyl Alcohol; 13-15 Alcohols Ethoxylated; Dirt Types: Dust; Food Residue; Soils. Product Details
MSDS Sheet - Mop & Glo has published a Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) for RAC74297CT. Federal law requires us to provide MSDS sheets. [ open MSDS sheet ]
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