Mattel CFX43
Time to grab the “bull” by the horns & hope other players don't call your bluff. Balderdash game features compelling, unbelievable-but-true content in five fun categories: famous people, words, initials, laws & movies. Take turns being the Balderdasher. Roll the die, chose a category & then read the choice aloud to the group. Each player writes what they think the real definition or explanation is while the Balderdasher writes down the real answer. The Dasher reads them all aloud, & you hope that yours is the most believable. Everyone then votes on which card they believe contains the true answer. The real fun begins when the phony definitions are read along with the legitimate ones. You'll laugh out loud as you hear the hilarious, clever & creative definitions. This party favorite includes clue cards, game board, movers, die & instructions. Game is perfect for ages 12 & up.