BVCMVI030301by MasterVision Soft-touch Bulletin Board, 36" x 24", Black Surface, Black / Satin Aluminum Frame Click image to close Soft-touch Bulletin Board, 36" x 24", Black Surface, Black / Satin Aluminum Frame | 
| MasterVision MVI030301 BVCMVI030301[ companion items ]
List Price: $170.32 You save $65.83. That's over 38%. | Short Description Soft-touch Bulletin Board, 36" x 24", Black Surface, Black / Satin Aluminum Frame, by MasterVision |
This item ships FREE and usually arrives in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description MasterVision MVI030301 The MasterVision MVI SoftTouch Bulletin Board is a stylistically modern notice board with a black tackable surface. Made with superior Soft-Touch foam, it combines a smooth delicate look with resilient performance. The MVI dcor frame combines aluminum & black plastic to provide a stunning, yet sturdy, border & completes the sleek contemporary look with concealed mounting hardware. This bulletin board is perfect for photos, notes, memories, reminders, illustrations, training materials & more. Board Surface Type(s): Bulletin; Magnetic Board Surface: No; Surface Material: Fabric; Surface Color: Black. Product Details
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