AVE74540by Avery Pin-Style Badge Holder with Laser / inkjet Insert, Top Load, 4 x 3, White, 100 / box Click image to close Pin-Style Badge Holder with Laser / inkjet Insert, Top Load, 4 x 3, White, 100 / box | 
| Avery 74540 AVE74540[ companion items ]
List Price: $44.63 You save $8.35. That's over 18%. | Short Description Pin-Style Badge Holder with Laser / inkjet Insert, Top Load, 4 x 3, White, 100 / box, by Avery |
Most orders over $49 ship FREE and arrive in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description Avery 74540 These badges feature a durable, easy-to-load, open top, pocket-style design. White micro-perforated name badge inserts are printable on both sides & separate cleanly leaving smooth edges. Create badges with text & colorful graphics using free designs & templates with Avery Design & Print. Plastic holder is reusable & displays names clearly. 8.5 x 11 sheets for laser & inkjet printers. Pin Style-Horizontal orientation with easy-to-load pocket design. Orientation: Horizontal; Name Badge Holder Length: 4"; Name Badge Holder Width: 3"; Name Badge Holder Color(s): Clear. Product Details
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