Search results: blue parchment paper
Southworth 964CParchment Specialty Paper, 24 lb Bond Weight, 8.5 x 11, Blue, 500 / Ream SOU964C List Price: $76.19 Your price$43.93/ BXYou save $32.26. That's over 42%. SOU964Cby SouthworthParchment Specialty Paper, 24 lb Bond Weight, 8.5 x 11, Blue, 500 / Ream [ details ] | Qty $43.93 / BX | Southworth P964CK336Parchment Specialty Paper, 24 lb Bond Weight, 8.5 x 11, Blue, 100 / Box SOUP964CK336 List Price: $28.18 Your price$23.02/ BXYou save $5.16. That's over 18%. | Qty $23.02 / BX | Geographics 20008Conventnl Blue Printable Certificates – 24 lb Basis Weight – 11" Width x 8.5" Length – Inkjet, Laser Compatible – Blue with White Border – Parchment Paper – 50 / Pack GEO20008 List Price: $17.22 Your price$16.98/ PK GEO20008by GeographicsConventnl Blue Printable Certificates – 24 lb Basis Weight – 11" Width x 8.5" Length – Inkjet, Laser Compatible – Blue with White Border – Parchment Paper – 50 / Pack [ details ] | Qty $16.98 / PK | Geographics 22901Archival Quality Parchment Paper Certificates, 11 x 8.5, Horizontal Orientation, Blue with Blue Royalty Border, 50 / pack GEO22901 List Price: $16.14 Your price$15.63/ PKYou save $0.51. That's over 3%. GEO22901by GeographicsArchival Quality Parchment Paper Certificates, 11 x 8.5, Horizontal Orientation, Blue with Blue Royalty Border, 50 / pack [ details ] | Qty $15.63 / PK | Array 101315Array Card Stock, 65 lb Cover Weight, 8.5 x 11, Assorted Pastel Colors, 100 / Pack PAC101315 List Price: $22.53 Your price$22.53/ PK PAC101315by ArrayArray Card Stock, 65 lb Cover Weight, 8.5 x 11, Assorted Pastel Colors, 100 / Pack [ details ] | Qty $22.53 / PK | Geographics 39087Award Certificates with Gold Seals, 8.5 x 11, Unique Blue with White Border, 25 / pack GEO39087 List Price: $10.06 Your price$10.06/ PK GEO39087by GeographicsAward Certificates with Gold Seals, 8.5 x 11, Unique Blue with White Border, 25 / pack [ details ] | Qty $10.06 / PK | Southworth CT1RParchment Certificates, Academic, 8.5 x 11, Ivory with Blue / silver Foil Border, 15 / pack SOUCT1R List Price: $17.89 Your price$13.09/ PKYou save $4.80. That's over 26%. SOUCT1Rby SouthworthParchment Certificates, Academic, 8.5 x 11, Ivory with Blue / silver Foil Border, 15 / pack [ details ] | Qty $13.09 / PK | Array 101196Array Card Stock, 65 lb Cover Weight, 8.5 x 11, Assorted, 250 / Pack PAC101196 List Price: $46.83 Your price$37.02/ PKYou save $9.81. That's over 20%. | Qty $37.02 / PK | Great Papers 934400Metallic Border Certificates, 11 x 8.5, Ivory / blue with Blue Border, 100 / pack GRP934400 List Price: $19.99 Your price$13.51/ PKYou save $6.48. That's over 32%. GRP934400by Great PapersMetallic Border Certificates, 11 x 8.5, Ivory / blue with Blue Border, 100 / pack [ details ] | Qty $13.51 / PK | Geographics 40725ODAward Certificates, 8.5 x 11, White with Braided Blue Border, 25 / Pack GEO40725OD List Price: $13.74 Your price$13.74/ PK GEO40725ODby GeographicsAward Certificates, 8.5 x 11, White with Braided Blue Border, 25 / Pack [ details ] | Qty $13.74 / PK |