Search results: dixie hot cups
Pages:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ next ] Dixie D9542PKDome Drink-Thru Lids, Fits 10 oz to 20 oz Dixie Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 100 / Pack DXED9542PK List Price: $16.29 Your price$16.29/ PK DXED9542PKby DixieDome Drink-Thru Lids, Fits 10 oz to 20 oz Dixie Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 100 / Pack [ details ] | Qty $16.29 / PK | Dixie DL9540CTSip-Through Dome Hot Drink Lids, Fits 10 oz Dixie Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 100 / Pack, 10 Packs / Carton DXEDL9540CT List Price: $154.95 Your price$95.73/ CTYou save $59.22. That's over 38%. DXEDL9540CTby DixieSip-Through Dome Hot Drink Lids, Fits 10 oz Dixie Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 100 / Pack, 10 Packs / Carton [ details ] | Qty $95.73 / CT | Dixie 9542500DXCTDome Lid, Fits 10 oz to 16 oz PerfecTouch Hot Cups / 12 oz to 20 oz WiseSize Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 500 / Carton DXE9542500DXCT List Price: $81.51 Your price$47.18/ CTYou save $34.33. That's over 42%. DXE9542500DXCTby DixieDome Lid, Fits 10 oz to 16 oz PerfecTouch Hot Cups / 12 oz to 20 oz WiseSize Hot Cups, Plastic, White, 500 / Carton [ details ] | Qty $47.18 / CT | Dixie 2346PATHPKPathways Paper Hot Cups, 16 oz, White / Brown, 50 / Pack DXE2346PATHPK List Price: $12.65 Your price$9.57/ PKYou save $3.08. That's over 24%. | Qty $9.57 / PK | Dixie 2346PATHPathways Paper Hot Cups, 16 oz, White / Brown, 50 / Sleeve, 20 Sleeves / Carton DXE2346PATH List Price: $253.35 Your price$154.18/ CTYou save $99.17. That's over 39%. DXE2346PATHby DixiePathways Paper Hot Cups, 16 oz, White / Brown, 50 / Sleeve, 20 Sleeves / Carton [ details ] | Qty $154.18 / CT | Dixie 2338WSPathways Paper Hot Cups, 8 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Bag, 20 Bags / Carton DXE2338WS List Price: $117.75 Your price$6.36/ CTYou save $111.39. That's over 94%. DXE2338WSby DixiePathways Paper Hot Cups, 8 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Bag, 20 Bags / Carton [ details ] | Qty $6.36 / CT | Dixie 2342WSPathways Paper Hot Cups, 12 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Bag, 20 Bags / Carton DXE2342WS List Price: $153.42 Your price$75.86/ CTYou save $77.56. That's over 50%. DXE2342WSby DixiePathways Paper Hot Cups, 12 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Bag, 20 Bags / Carton [ details ] | Qty $75.86 / CT | Dixie 2340PATHPathways Paper Hot Cups, 10 oz, White / Brown, 50 / Sleeve, 20 Sleeves / Carton DXE2340PATH List Price: $194.60 Your price$116.38/ CTYou save $78.22. That's over 40%. DXE2340PATHby DixiePathways Paper Hot Cups, 10 oz, White / Brown, 50 / Sleeve, 20 Sleeves / Carton [ details ] | Qty $116.38 / CT | Dixie 2338WSPKPathways Paper Hot Cups, 8 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Pack DXE2338WSPK List Price: $12.62 Your price$12.62/ PK | Qty $12.62 / PK | Dixie 2342WSPKPathways Paper Hot Cups, 12 oz, White / Brown, 25 / Pack DXE2342WSPK List Price: $13.25 Your price$13.25/ PK | Qty $13.25 / PK |
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