Smead 63235100% Recycled End Tab Pressboard Guides with Metal Tabs, 1/3-Cut End Tab, Blank, 8.5 x 14, Green, 50 / box SMD63235 List Price: $196.70 Your price$108.51/ BXYou save $88.19. That's over 44%. SMD63235by Smead100% Recycled End Tab Pressboard Guides with Metal Tabs, 1/3-Cut End Tab, Blank, 8.5 x 14, Green, 50 / box [ details ] | Qty $108.51 / BX | Smead 63276100% Recycled End Tab Pressboard Guides with Metal Tabs, 1/3-Cut End Tab, A To Z, 8.5 x 14, Green, 25 / set SMD63276 List Price: $125.54 Your price$73.61/ STYou save $51.93. That's over 41%. SMD63276by Smead100% Recycled End Tab Pressboard Guides with Metal Tabs, 1/3-Cut End Tab, A To Z, 8.5 x 14, Green, 25 / set [ details ] | Qty $73.61 / ST | Smead 67450Monthly End Tab File Folder Labels, Jan-Dec, 0.5 x 1, Assorted, 25 / sheet, 120 Sheets / box SMD67450 List Price: $90.95 Your price$65.54/ BXYou save $25.41. That's over 27%. SMD67450by SmeadMonthly End Tab File Folder Labels, Jan-Dec, 0.5 x 1, Assorted, 25 / sheet, 120 Sheets / box [ details ] | Qty $65.54 / BX | Tabbies 54520Medical Chart Index Divider Sheets, Untabbed, 11 x 8.5, White, 400 / Box TAB54520 List Price: $90.00 Your price$90.00/ BX TAB54520by TabbiesMedical Chart Index Divider Sheets, Untabbed, 11 x 8.5, White, 400 / Box [ details ] | Qty $90.00 / BX | Tabbies 58385Self-Adhesive Label / File Folder Protector, Top Tab, 3.5 x 2, Clear, 500 / Box TAB58385 List Price: $41.00 Your price$31.42/ BXYou save $9.58. That's over 23%. TAB58385by TabbiesSelf-Adhesive Label / File Folder Protector, Top Tab, 3.5 x 2, Clear, 500 / Box [ details ] | Qty $31.42 / BX | Tabbies 55990Cov'r'tab Color Code Cover Labels, 2.5 x 8, Manila, 50 / pack TAB55990 List Price: $13.99 Your price$13.99/ PK | Qty $13.99 / PK | Tabbies 68386Self-Adhesive Label / file Folder Protector, End Tab, 2 x 8, Clear, 100 / box TAB68386 List Price: $16.76 Your price$16.76/ PK TAB68386by TabbiesSelf-Adhesive Label / file Folder Protector, End Tab, 2 x 8, Clear, 100 / box [ details ] | Qty $16.76 / PK | Smead 67914ETS Color-Coded Month & Year Labels – Permanent Adhesive – “1” Width x 0.50" Length – 25 / Sheet – Rectangle – Orange – Paper – 250 / Pack SMD67914 List Price: $3.91 Your price$3.91/ PKThis item has been discontinued SMD67914by SmeadThis item has been discontinued ETS Color-Coded Month & Year Labels – Permanent Adhesive – “1” Width x 0.50" Length – 25 / Sheet – Rectangle – Orange – Paper – 250 / Pack [ details ] | Qty $3.91 / PK | Tabbies 54519Medical Chart Index Divider Sheets, Untabbed, 11 x 8.5, Manila, 400 / Box TAB54519 List Price: $90.00 Your price$90.00/ BX TAB54519by TabbiesMedical Chart Index Divider Sheets, Untabbed, 11 x 8.5, Manila, 400 / Box [ details ] | Qty $90.00 / BX | Smead 67915Yearly End Tab File Folder Labels, 15, 0.5 x 1, Brown, 25 / sheet, 10 Sheets / pack SMD67915 List Price: $4.07 Your price$2.76/ PKYou save $1.31. That's over 32%. SMD67915by SmeadYearly End Tab File Folder Labels, 15, 0.5 x 1, Brown, 25 / sheet, 10 Sheets / pack [ details ] | Qty $2.76 / PK |